Does the sentence you start will start in the west and end in the north ?, or it starts in the west and end in the south?, or it always starts in the west and end sin the east.Lets dsee what hand writing analysis tells about about the words that bend in the word you write and sentences you built.



    Shown by a person’s slant that is midway between a vertical and a hard right-slant. This person relates to both introverts and extroverts while keeping a level head even amidst the existence of emotional feelings such as empathy, sympathy, and even passion. Falls into the middle-of-the-road category on many issues.


    Comprehensive Thinker

    Revealed by needlepoint strokes on the top of the n and m, also in the h or i. These people have lightning fast minds that are able to size up situations instantly. They are curious, impatient, intelligent and usually in a hurry



    Extremely small writing. People that write tiny have the ability to shut everything out of their mind and fully concentrate on one thing at a time. Often, on a first impression, these people seem reserved



    A large lower case letter, especially k, anywhere in the writing. This high buckle k is often referred to as the “go to hell K.” The defiant person resists other’s authority. Seen as resentment at being told what to do and as rebellion in young people.


    Desire for Attention

    High ending strokes that go up in the air much like a child raising his hand in class for attention. This person needs to be the center of attention and is always looking for ways to get noticed. This person needs lots of recognition.



    Downslanted humps toward the right on m’s and n’s. This person has the ability to say things in a way that other people want to hear. He can also phrase touchy subjects in a nice, inoffensive way.


    Dual Personality

    Shown by an obvious slant variation from left to right in the same sentence. This person has trouble making decisions because the head and heart are in conflict. He withdraws into the introverted personality when he feels insecure. Unpredictable mood swings.


    Emotionally Withdrawn

    Shown by a consistent leftward slant. The upstrokes and slant are a minimum of 90 degrees from the baseline. An introvert. This person keeps his own counsel, rarely expresses feelings, and makes logical, unemotional decisions.

  • Emotionally Responsive:

    Emotionally Responsive

    The hard rightward slant reveals the heart-ruled, moody, impulsive person. The farther the writing slants to the right, the more this person is subject to emotional stimuli. This writer naturally relates to people’s emotions and has a constant need for affection. He can be very expressive with his emotions and relates to others easily



    Long, narrow loops usually in the y or g. The size of the lower loop reveals the amount of trust and imagination as it relates to people. The narrow loop reveals some trust, but they are very selective of whom they allow in their inner circle of friends.


    Lives for the Moment

    Shown by no upper zone strokes. Writing that stays in the middle zone. Immature. These people get into trouble because they live for today and fail to foresee the consequences of their actions. This person’s philosophies and ethics change frequently.



    Shown by the increasing height of the humps on the m’s and n’s. When the second hump is higher than the first, this person has a fear of being ridiculed and tends to worry what others might think when around strangers


    Selective Listener

    Retraced e’s that are usually found with narrow or closed a’s and o’s. This person can tune other people out. He has his own ideas and will only agree with you if you agree with him. In other words, this person can be closed-minded.



    Shown by the backward crossed t-bar (right to left). This signifies the need to punish oneself. If the t-bar shows sarcasm (pointed), the writer tends to be critical and sarcastic of himself.



    The baseline will be straight and even. This handwriting is that of a person who spends time putting everything in its place and reviews work trying to make it precise.



    Revealed by a noticeable upward slant in the entire baseline and/or the cross bar on the letter t. The higher the incline, the more optimistic she is. She is sure tomorrow will be better and always looks on the bright side of life.



    Strokes that double back over the letter and end toward the right. Usually located in the t and f. This person has the quality of not giving up when confronted with temporary setbacks. He will persist until he completes the task.


 "The direction towards which sentence you built and words you bend you write in different reveals who are you, be careful :P ”