
Manveet DN

Deep-Learning Enthusiast


  • 2017 ~ 2021

    Bachelors, Anurag Group of Institutions


2019.12.12 - 2019.12.14

ASL Alphabet Pediction
This project is project used to detect the ASL(American Sign Language) alphabet. This is a deep learning model built using fastai libraray trained on a kaggle dataset.

2019.12.15 - 2019.12.17

Distracted Driver Detection
This project is project used to detect the distracted drivers. This is a deep learning model built using fastai libraray trained on a kaggle dataset.

2019.12.15 - 2019.12.25

Fruit Classifer App
This project is project used to detect the the fruit name in the given image. This is a deep learning model built using fastai libraray trained on a kaggle dataset deployed on flutter App.

2019.5.21 - 2019.5.23

Dog and Cat Classification
This project is project used to detect the the given image is a dog or cat. This is a deep learning model built using fastai libraray trained on a kaggle dataset.

2019.8.13 - 2019.8.17

Predicitng the next word of a sentence
This project is project used to detect the the next word of a given sentence. This is a deep learning model built using fastai libraray trained on a wiki dataset.

2019.06.09 - Developing

This is a simple todo list android application.Very handy to use with well designed UI.