How confiedent are you?, do you illtreat yourself?, do you undeeestimate yourself? , are you sarcastic in nature?, or you are sensitive?.Let’s see, the way you write your ‘t’ tells all these things in you..

  • Dominent:


    Down slanted t-bar, to the right, with a blunt ending. The dominant person tends to be in control and likes it. He takes charge, making people follow directions without angering them.

  • Domineering:


    Down-slanted t-bar, to the right, with a sharp ending. The domineering person tends to fight for control. He takes charge, insisting people follow him. The sharp t-bar signifies sarcasm, whining, griping, and possible cruelness when he doesn’t get his way. An unpleasant trait.

  • Enthusiasm:


    An unusually long stroke that makes the cross bar of the t. This writer bubbles over with enthusiasm and excitement. Enthusiasm is a key ingredient to success in leadership, because it motivates others toward action.

  • Procrastination:


    A t-bar that is crossed predominately on the left side of the stem. Procrastinators will put off until tomorrow what could have been done today. This trait is one factor of laziness.

  • Sarcasm:


    Revealed by sharp-pointed t-bar. Sarcasm is like a verbal dagger defending the ego. Sarcasm is forming a dual meaning to whatever is said and is often mixed with humor. Sarcastic people have a sharp tongue that can hurt others’ feelings. If the t-bar is crossed from right to left, the sarcasm is directed toward self, instead of toward others, creating a tendency to be self-critical.

  • Stubborn:


    Revealed by t and d-stems shaped like a tepee or upside down “V”. The more this letter is braced, the more this person is braced to his own ideas. Stubborn people rarely admit they are wrong, and don’t want to be confused with the facts after they have made up their minds.

  • Temper:


    Shown by a t-bar that is crossed predominantly on the right side of the stem. The more it occurs, the easier irritation will cause them to lose control of their emotions. If combined with a heavy rightward (DE, E+) slant, they will blow up quickly.

  • Willpower:


    Shown by heavy pressure on the t-bars. This person will be able to follow a set course and display strong powers of the will. Willpower tends to intensify all other personality traits.

  • Sensitive To Criticism:

    Sensitive To Criticism

    Shown by the looped stem in the lower case d or t. The bigger the loop, the more painful criticism is felt. If the loop is really inflated, this person will imagine criticism. The d-loop relates to personal self and the t-loop relates to sensitivity to ideas or philosophies.

  • High Self-Esteem :

    High Self-Esteem

    High crossed t-bar and large personal pronoun I. This reveals confidence, ambition, the ability to plan ahead, high goals, high personal expectations, and an overall good self-image. This is the key to personal success and happiness.

  • Low-Self-Esteem:

    Low Self-Esteem

    Shown by the t-bar crossed very low on the stem. This person fears failure and fears change, thus sets goals with low risk. He remains in bad situations much too long and finds imperfections with himself. He is rarely successful in his own eyes.

  • Self-Control:


    A t-bar that is curved in a concave shape, much like an upside down shallow saucer. The stronger the curve, the more self-control is being implemented. An umbrella shape signifies the person is obsessively controlling an action.


"This is the power of each single t you write in a word and a sentence.”